The Zavalla City Council will conduct a special called meeting on Friday, June 16, 2017, at 3:30 p.m. at Zavalla City Hall located at 838 E. Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.
1. Possibly accept Chief Stefani Wade's resignation. 2. Discuss and possibly take action on reversing the decision of the Chief of Police and to reinstate Officer Anthony Ross to former position on the same terms as before. 3. Discuss and possibly take action on posting the opening for the Chief of Police.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed below under the authorized article of the meeting act. Texas Government Code 551.01
a. 551.71 Private consultation with the City's Attorney b. 551.075 Deliberation about Real Property c. 551.074 Deliberation the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee d. 551.081 Economic Development
I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board on the 13th of June 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Carlos Guzman
See the official posting.