The City of Zavalla met for a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the old City Hall/Police Station located at 838 East Main Street, Zavalla, Texas 75980.
Council Present were: Council Members; Pam Hooks, Stacey Marshall, Tom Ross and Denita Ross. Council absent were; Mayor Guzman and Randall Dykes.
Employees Present were: Joy Yarbrough, Caleb Denby and Waunesa Herrington.
Guest Present were: J. P. Hopkins, Amy Landon, Chris Landon, Monica Weeks Larrigan, Elizabeth McDonald, Shannon Yarbrough, and Eunice Ditterline.
Tom Ross called the meeting to order, established a quorum and welcomed the guest.
Brother J. P. Hopkins gave invocation.
Discuss and appoint a Mew Mayor Pro-Tem. Pam made the motion to appoint Denita Ross as Mayor Pro-Tem, Stacey second motion passed.
Denita Ross administered the meeting.
Open Forum
Amy Landan spoke about wanting to organizing a non profit organization for the Youth. She handed out post cards to the City Council Members. This organization would be introducing Art and Music. Would have Parenting Classes. The Organizatin will be called The Village of Zavalla. Would need a set of directors. Amy does not have any directors yet.
Monica Weeks Larrigan would like to have a mowing contract with the City of Zavalla to mow their property. She would like for this to be on next month’s agenda.
Elizabeth McDonald signed form to speak out in open forum, but she is on the agenda.
Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department: No one gave a report.
Discuss and possibly approve helping Claude McDonald with his water bill located at 161 Pickard and account number 531. Elizabeth McDonald explained about Gene’s trailer and how the commode was running and that Gene was hard of hearing. She did not realize it was running as much as it was. Elizabeth explained that with Gene’s condition and his income of being $700.00 a month and then he has to pay for some of his medicine. There was no way that Gene could pay this water bill. She would like to ask for some help with water bill. Pam stated she didn’t know what the answer was. Pam made the motion for Claude McDonald Account # 531(Gene) to do a payment plan as low as $10 a month until Gene got the high-water bill paid. Tom second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve moving forward with the Law Suit pertaining t the man hole that was damaged on HWY 69. Tom made the motion to table, Pam second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve HACH contract. Tom made the motion to renew the contract, but that next the City needs to go out for bids. Pam second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve leasing mineral rights the City of Zavalla owns on HWY 147 in the Frank Hawking Survey: Tom made the motion to accept, but have it in writing with the Oil Company that the City of Zavalla would be protect where their drinking water distribution system is concerned.
Stacey second, Pam abstained, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve Resolution 2019-4 pertaining to canvassing the 2019 General election. Pam made the motion to accept, Tom second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve removing Brenda Cox and Kelly Dickinson as signers on the City of Zavalla’s checking accounts and adding Tom Ross and Denita Ross. Pam made the motion, Stacey second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve SEAL and WIDA programs with the Texas Work Force Solutions. Tom made the motion to approve with the exception that Texas Work Force Solutions or Advanced Temporaries is responsible for employee insurance. Stacey second, motion carried.
Discuss and possible approve getting each department their individual credit cards with department names on them. Denita made the motion to get credit cards for Water Department with a $5,000 limit, Police Department with a $2,500 limit, Court with a $1,500 limit, and General with a $1,500. With the stipulation that in Council packet there is copy of credit card statement and receipts on what was bought. Tom second, motion carried.
Joy sent out two reports. She has new report she has to do for TCEQ regarding the THM’S. This is a real extensive report. Joy has to send out 3 boil water notice due to water breaks. Pam asked her about the call system she was trying out. Joy said it cost $1600 a year for up to 900 numbers and that Aimee said the court might could use it and help pay for the cost. They are going to clean the tank out on Marshall. They may have to lower 10 of the wells at the GUI Well Site. She is working on a Policy and Procedure for flushing the water lines.
Caleb said everything is going well. Got the GUI Well back on line.
Waunesa stated the Employee’s Health Insurance will be on the agenda next month and the Council will have to make a definite decision at that time. Denita stated she would like to see the City go out for bids on their Health Insurance. Waunesa stated that she had went to work shop that day regarding water rates and budgets.
Denita asked J P Hopkins if he had to any thing to say. He stated that someone had stole the generator from the Food Bank. He was not pleased at the results he got from the Sheriff’s Department. So, he put his own under cover detective on it. Within no time he had his generator back. The Lord is still Blessing.
Stacey stated she would like to see the Work Policy, Agenda Policy and the Spending Policy put on the Agenda next month.
Tom said he would like to see a class set up at City Hall for the Council Member to watch the Open Meeting Act video together.
Pam stated the City needed some type of machinery to clean the ditches. Waunesa asked if she wanted in on the agenda for next month and she said yes.
Discuss and possibly approve April 9, 2019 minutes. Tom made the motion to accept, Pam second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve May 14, 2019 minutes. Tom made the motion, Denita second, motion passed.
Discuss and possibly approve June 2019 bills. Tom made the motion to approve the bills, Stacey second, motion passed.
Meeting Adjourn at 7:35 p.m.
Denita Ross
Mayor Pro-Tem
Waunesa Herrington
City Secretary
See the official record.